A Fresh Approach

The Virginia Creeper on the north fence is beginning to turn a bright red.  The Montana skies have been filled with smoke, making everything hazy.  I new football season has begun with the beloved Grizzlies.  Today is my first day of vacation, for the fall, and I am back to work on this project.  I realize several seasons have passed and it’s time to get started again.  This has been a very productive year for me.  Though I have taken some time away from this project, I feel an even stronger connection to it in my heart, but it almost feels like I have to relearn it.  It was a year ago this month the website was born, and fall of last year became all-consuming.  I need to learn to find balance, but perhaps that is just the status quo of life for most of us.  I spent a great deal of this year developing my studio garden; it is one of the things I am truly passionate about.  I keep saying I am on the 3rd year of a 10-year plan, but this year it leapt ahead to about the 7th.  The basic structure of it is all now in tact.  I truly feel at in heaven when I am outside working.  I also spent some time this year reconnecting back into my community and hanging out with friends.  Did a lot of work on the studio space and even hosted several chamber concerts in the space.  It seems the space and gardens are becoming a perfect venue for fundraisers and everyone that comes into the place marvels that is exists here in Missoula.  My photography has also made several leaps as well this year, as my summer has been filled with projects, more notable working on a series with a burlesque group called The Cigarette Girls.

The upgrade to the site was finished this morning and I leapt out of bed and began working on it once again.  I realized how much I actually missed it all.  I am currently cleaning through much of the site and organizing some structural elements and am hoping by the end of the week to begin working on some new galleries.  Be patient if you see things begin to shift and fall out of sorts, it’s just me dicking around with it trying to become reacquainted.  It somehow feels like I have come home.

One thought on “A Fresh Approach

  1. William Maltese

    Great to have you back online, and reporting on your activities, on a regular basis, Terry. Your insights into your ongoing work were missed!

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