Releasing The Unflinching Creative Possibility

There always seems to be a moment of truth when the ones that are so close to us leave. I feel a bit empty and lonely this morning as Glenn heads to work in North Dakota for the next couple of months. This happens every year that he goes off to do this particular job, but the first day is always the hardest. It’s a moment where I face myself and begin to put our relationship into perspective. I see how much I tend to take relationships and sometimes the people around me for granted. It is my nature to always be aimed at the target and I feel everyone around me believe so much in my visions, they help me remain focused. I love this about Glenn, he has always seen the truth of what I do, admires it, respects it, and has been supportive from the very beginning even when he doesn’t quite understand it. With Glenn he forces me to take breaks and make sure I am eating and makes sure all the household things are taken care of. I grow so accustomed to everything being handled. I don’t feel like I take advantage of him at all, because I don’t really expect it, but it’s what he likes to do, however when it’s always available I often begin to rely on it too much when I actually enjoy doing so much of this for myself.

These months in the fall are generally my greatest spurt of growth as an artist where I can delve deeper within myself without having to switch directions. I have an ambitious fall planned and now have a lot to do in a very short period of time. It is these periods of isolation where I really explore the possibility of how creative I can become. The studio will now become the total workspace for which it was designed and my focus will become more refined and less inhibited. I now have a web world to create and must absolutely focus on just that. It is still delayed by technical difficulties, as we still have not been able to load the templates. I have been in contact with the designer in England who thinks he’s found the issue so we should be up and working on that in the next 24 hours. The prep work is still in hot pursuit and continues. The new intern came in yesterday and worked all day on creating the image bars, and was very good at it. He worked wonderful on his own which allowed me to focus on writing the text. I have also set an ambitious shooting schedule with sessions lined up most every day for the remainder of this week, through the weekend and the beginning of next. We will begin setting the studio up this afternoon to begin the first shoot tonight. I keep hearing from lots of different people with many different talents that are now offering to jump aboard and help out in some way. I can feel the vision and dream starting to emerge and there is something extremely exciting about all this support from outside myself. It truly is becoming a community.

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