“Something rotten in the state of…”

I had to build a new profile for FB; you can find me at Terry James Cyr to continue following what I am doing there. I still have not heard anything from FB and don’t suspect I will. I just found out there is a way to back up all your FB contacts and correspondence. I was always meaning to post all your comments into this project but never quite got around to that process, for that I am sorry; there have been so many moving comments along the way. I would encourage you to post into the blog things you want to share because it will become the lasting record of what I am trying to achieve here. I have begun to process of putting together a new web presence that will combine all my internet locations into one central place. I spent a great deal of yesterday trying to come up with a style and format that will make it all work and the contents of this project will eventually roll over into that project with everything in tact.

The work continues despite the minor interruption. I got so many text messages asking if I was all right. I see what a community I have been building here with this project. Thank you all for your support.

So my big question now is how do I make this grow? I would like to make this project somehow more interactive with all you out there following it. My dream is to somehow to connect us all as an arts community. Where we can really share our thoughts, processes, art, and dreams!!!. Is this something I can incorporate as part of my new web presence? I guess the first real question is anyone else really interested in becoming a part of this sort of collective? After all this other debacle I am thinking of investing in and setting up my own server so I know it will always remain safe and secured and I can promote whatever I want without the threat of being shut down. This is the second time things I have been associated with since this project began that my images and artwork have been shut down. How does it work that the internet is filled with graphic sexual materials that never seem to get shut down but the artists are the ones that seem more effected? Perhaps we as artists are naive to the reality of the real world. Perhaps because we are so idealistic and believe in all things good. It seems that I talk to a lot of artists who are afraid to show what they are creating? It remains hidden. I know mine has for the past 13 years. It brings to question: how many people are hindered from following their passions because they think it is unacceptable to others? They it may become offensive to someone. I think good art challenges us to rethink and reexamine who we are as a person, as a culture, as a society. The Italian Renaissance was a spiritual uplifting for its viewers and gave them a place of beauty that they could aspire to. We live in a time of great global turmoil, not so much a fear of each other anymore, but of the shifting environment through natural disaster and economic hardships. We need some relief and to reestablish our beliefs back into humanity. To believe in the beauty of our selves without fear, doubt, and oppression of becoming consumed by the failing economic and political systems we have created that no longer work. I personally am tired of all the financial, mental and emotional distress? I am desperately trying to get back in touch with my inner self and celebrate the dignity of my human existence.

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Hamlet – Act 1, scene 4 William Shakespeare Well that outcome was not so good for everyone involved…