An Afternoon with George

Things are moving so fast now it seems hard to keep up with them.  The site and my work are moving at sonic speed as I am finally beginning to feel a new rhythm. I have been adding new galleries and cleaning so much of the site up that I can finally begin to see some shape beginning to emerge.   I have most every afternoon of the week scheduled with some sort of shoot or activity.  I miss the old blog process but love the extra time I have in the mornings to catch up on everything.  So I have decided to just jot down notes of what’s going on, simpler thoughts so everyone can still follow my process and what I’m doing.  It was wonderful the have the break.  First of all I have been focusing on myself with those free mornings.  I have lost the excess weight I had gained from last year and am beginning to work out most mornings.  I am feeling a lot better about my physical self.  About a week ago I was featured on a blog called Enlightened Man 2000.  Martin Brant, a writer from Dallas, took many of my images and excerpts from many of the blogs to sort of paint a portrait of what the project had been.  I was both startled and deeply moved to see all this had actually come from me.  I’ve been having lunch and meeting with others from my community and beginning to see what a powerful process that blog has become.  I then met up with a guy named Seth and shot a new series of images.  It was the first shoot of the season and I feel my skills have jumped to a whole new level of work.  I feel more focused.  I have been in contact with old and new models and begun creating awesome new images.  I am still searching for models.  Yesterday I spent an extraordinary afternoon with George.  I am about to load those on the computer, we laughed so hard during the shoot that the bond was so strong I know they too will be fantastic.  My goal now it to try and dabble here most every day, simpler, easier, more like notes or personal thoughts.