Cleaning Through The Project!

I have spent the past couple of days cleaning through The Naked Man Project, fixing broken links, simplifying the internal elements, and opening up many of the existing galleries.  Many of the model galleries have not been open to look at since the beginning of the website.  My focus has been the make it functional.  I originally put real peoples’ name on many of the metafile data and when site became very popular at the end of the first year blog, many of the models become a bit leery of someone being able to search them and find them exposed.  So I began to shut down many of the galleries and a few of the blog posts in respect of their anonymity, some of the names I changed.  It was heart wrenching in the beginning when I was asked to remove things that I thought were key elements to explore my style.  Though most everyone had signed a model release allowing me to use these images I am still mindful and respectful of their wishes and realize we all live in a very small community here in Montana.  I still see and want this to remain a community project.  It has been a year now and many of the links have been broken and the site has remained in a stasis.  The site is still getting a lot of traffic and it is time to get back to the work.

I want to begin shooting on the project again at the beginning of February and have begun approaching some new subjects; I’m even meeting someone new this morning.  I still don’t have a clear motivation for the project and it’s aim but will begin exploring those ideas in the upcoming weeks.